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Projects Dashboard

Two reports are linked to the project's module. The first is an item-level report that considers the specific project in which it is nested, reporting exclusively on that project (item-level Project Details Report). The second is a general projects report that offers insights across all projects within the organization (General Projects Dashboard).

The General Projects Dashboard is divided into four sections: Slicers, Charts, Cards, and the Projects Table.

Accessing the General Projects Dashboard

  1. Navigate to Projects > Project Reporting

Side bar navigate to projects dashboard


Slicers provides the user with the ability to filter all of the visuals on the page by a specific attribute and can be found at the top of the page.

The Projects Dashboard can be “sliced” based on no attributes, one attribute, or multiple attributes. The attributes available to “slice” by are RAG Status, Client, and Project Status.

The RAG status in project management is a visual indicator used to communicate the overall health and progress of a project. The term "RAG" stands for Red, Amber (or Yellow), and Green, representing three colour codes that signify different levels of status. These levels are explained in the next section.

Example Use for Slicers

You could use the slicers to filter down the visuals to only show Projects that are “Green” and associated with the client “Example Inc”.

Projects dashboard slicers highlighted


The Cards section within the Projects Dashboard offers concise reference statistics. The values of these cards will change based on the slicers or if selections are made on table or charts.

The provided cards are as follows:

BlueIndicates the number of active projects (where the status is Not Started or In Progress)
GreenDisplays the number of projects where the project is on schedule, and no sub-tasks are overdue.
AmberDisplays the number of projects where the project is not overdue, but at least one sub-task is overdue.
RedDisplays the number of projects where the entire project is overdue.

Projects dashboard cards highlighted


Estimated Time vs Actual Time

The Estimated Time vs Actual Time visual shows a clustered column group for each Project. One column represents the sum of estimated time from all of that project's sub tasks. The second represents the sum time log hours against that project.

It is an interactive visual, allowing users to click on any of the status bars to filter the rest of the report by that specific status.

Projects dashboard time graph highlighted

Estimated Budget vs Actual Budget

The Estimated Budget vs Actual Budget visual shows a clustered column group for each Project. One column represents the sum of estimated costs for all budgets against the project and second represents the sum of actual costs for all budgets against the project.

It is an interactive visual, allowing users to click on any of the status bars to filter the rest of the report by that specific status.

Projects dashboard budget highlighted

Projects Table

The Projects Table displays the Project Name, Client, Start date, Due date, Est. Hours, Act. Hours, Status, Overdue status, and a link to the Rapid item.

It is an interactive visual, allowing users to click any task line and the report visuals will highlight or filter based on the selected employee.

Projects dashboard table highlighted